If you are looking for private transport from Yaoundé, Cameroon to Libreville, Gabon with border crossing and assistance, we can help you out with that. It is possible to rent a private car (4×4) with driver to drive from Cameroon to Gabon or the other way: from Gabon to Cameroon with one of our cars from Libreville. This journey takes two days, meaning you will have to pay for four days of renting a car as the car will have to go back.
On the first day you will drive from Yaoundé to Mbalmayo to Endoum to Benébalot to Nemeyong to Ebolowa to Ambam. From Ambam we will drive to the village of Entem and we’ll cross the border between Cameroon and Gabonto Engo Effack. Depending on how fast everything goes we will stop and stay overnight in Bitam or Oyem in Gabon. (or further if possible.
On the second day we will drive from Bitam or Oyem to Bibase and then to Mitzic to Libreville which will take us a full day.